The EUROBIOTECH 2023 has ended.

On October 4 - 6, 2023, the European Biotechnology Congress EUROBIOTEC 2023 ( was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, where, at the invitation of the organizers, Prof. Stanislav Miertus delivered one of the plenary lectures on "Multidisciplinary Approach in Medicinal Biotechnology and its Application in the Research of Anti-Covid Drugs, Biosensors, and Scaffolds for Regenerative Medicine ", which also contained the results of the recently completed APVV projects.
The Congress was also good oportunity to discuss possible cooperation projects focusing on regional and european calls.
Miertuš, S., Frecer, V., Ondrejovič, M.: Multidisciplinary approach in medicinal biotechnology and its application in the research of anti-Covid drugs, biosensors, and scaffolds for regenerative medicine. European Biotechnology Congress 2023, October 4-6, 2023.